Digital Diplomacy - Empower India

Dec 2020

People with disabilities are too often neglected or even forgotten in development processes, and their opinions as citizens are not, or very little, taken into account. This has been the struggle of a lifetime for Professor DR. DP Sharma, an Indian computer scientist – Download the PDF

Nov 2021

Although it’s Crucial to immediately bridge the global Divide and “Devoid” by Fair Internet Governance in a Democratic World, Modi’s efforts will make it happen. Prof Sharma

Nov 2021

Dr DP Sharma will also preside over the workshop session on Digital Inclusion and the multifold digital divide.

Vijay Samnotra, former, international diplomat and Head of the United Nations Environmental Program of India will also be present as an Eminent Speaker in this session

Nov 2021

It is ironic, however, that the Internet has historically provided a channel to ‘democratize the people’s voices globally,’ but is now struggling for its own democratic governance.”Prof. DP Sharma